Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Below is an example of an invoice HTML template.

For help configuring templates or to obtain additional default templates, you can reach out to our Customer Support.

Code Block
{% load i18n static pdf_tags %}
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
<!doctype html>
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>{{ preview_title }}</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/order_notes/base.css' %}">
    {% if css_additional %}
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static css_additional %}">
    {% endif %}
    {% include "b3_pdf/extra_header.html" %}
    <table class="header">
            <td class="header__logo">
                <img src="{{ logo_url }}" alt="Default Logo">
    <div class="header__address">
        {{ }} | {{ sender_address_line }}
    <table class="address">
            <td class="address__to">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Billing Address' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">
                    {{ billing_address.salutation }}
                    {% if billing_address.company_name %}
                        <br/> {{ billing_address.company_name }}
                    {% endif %}
                    {% if billing_address.line1 %}
                        <br/> {{ billing_address.line1 }}
                    {% endif %}
                    {% if billing_address.line2 %}
                        <br/> {{ billing_address.line2 }}
                    {% endif %}
                    <br/> {{ }}{% if billing_address.state %}, {{ billing_address.state }}{% endif %}, {{ billing_address.zip_code }}
                    <br/> {{ }}
            <td class="address__from">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Customer Support' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">
                    {{ service_address.phone_number }}
                    {% if %}
                        <br> {% trans 'Email:' %} {{ }}
                    {% endif %}
                    <br> {% trans 'Processed by:' %} {{ service_user_name }}
                    <br> {{ note_data.issue_date|date:theme_date_format }}
    <h1 class="page-title">
        {{ note_name }}: {{ note_prefix }}{{ note_id }}
    <table class="info">
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Order #' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ order_obj.full_number }}</div>
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Order Date' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ order_date|date:theme_date_format }}</div>
            {% if is_customer_number_shown %}
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{{ customer_number_label }}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ customer_number|default:"-" }}</div>
            {% endif %}
            {% if is_customer_reference_shown %}
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{{ customer_reference_label }}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ customer_reference|default:"-" }}</div>
            {% endif %}
    <table class="info info--grey">
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Order Confirmation #' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ confirmation_note.order_confirmation_number }}</div>
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Payment method' %}</div>
                {% if payment_custom_fields %}
                  <div class="element__value">{{ payment_custom_fields }}</div>
                {% else %}
                <div class="element__value">{% trans order_obj.payment_method_name %}</div>
                {% endif %}

                {% comment %}
                    To access individual payment metadata items:
                    {% if payment_metadata %}
                      {% for key, value in payment_metadata.items %}
                       {{ key }}: {{ value }}<br>
                      {% endfor %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endcomment %}
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Delivery date' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">{{ note_data.shipping_date|date:theme_date_format }}</div>
            <td class="element">
                <div class="element__label">{% trans 'Shipping Type' %}</div>
                <div class="element__value">
                    {{ order_obj.shipping_method }}
    {% if backdrop_text %}
        <div class="overlay-wrapper">
            <div class="overlay-text">
                {% trans backdrop_text %}
    {% endif %}
    <section id="customer-greeting">
        <h4>{% blocktrans %}Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your order.{% endblocktrans %}</h4>
            {% blocktrans %}
                We hope you were satisfied with the handling of your order so far. If you have any questions or need
                further information, we are of course happy to help.
            {% endblocktrans %}
    <section id="order-lines">
        <table class="kt-table">
                <th class="line-number">#</th>
                <th class="line-image"></th>
                <th class="line-part">{% trans 'Part' %}</th>
                <th class="line-quantity text-right">{% trans 'Qty.' %}</th>
                <th class="line-price-unit text-right">{% trans 'Unit Price' %}</th>
                <th class="line-price-discount text-right">{% trans 'Discount' %}</th>
                <th class="line-price-total text-right">{% trans 'Item Total' %}</th>
            {% for line in order_lines %}
                    <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
                    <td class="line-thumbnail">
                            src="{{ line.thumbnail }}"
                            alt="{{ line.fullName }}"
                        <b>{{ line.fullName }}</b>
                        <br> {{ }}
                        <br> {{ line.offer.material }} | {{ line.prices.printPrice|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}
                        {% if line.offer.postProcessings %}
                            {% for option in line.offer.postProcessings %}
                                <br/>{{ }}
                                {% if option.colorTitle %} | color: {{ option.colorTitle }}{% endif %}
                                {% if option.price %} | {{ option.price|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}{% endif %}
                            {% endfor %}
                        {% endif %}
                        {{ line.dimensions.w|floatformat:2 }} *
                        {{ line.dimensions.h|floatformat:2 }} *
                        {{ line.dimensions.d|floatformat:2 }} ({{ line.measureUnit }})|
                        {{ line.weight|floatformat:line.weightDecimals }} {{ line.weightUnit }}
                    <td class="text-right quantity">{{ line.quantity }} / {{ line.quantity }}</td>
                    <td class="text-right unit-price">
                        {{ line.prices.unitPrice|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}
                    <td class="text-right discount">
                        {% if %}
                            {{|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}
                        {% else %}
                        {% endif %}
                    <td class="text-right line-price">
                        {{ line.prices.linePrice|as_currency:line.prices.currency }}
                {% if line.part_requirements.fields.all %}
                        <td colspan="2"></td>
                            {% for field in line.part_requirements.fields.all %}
                                {% if field.show_on_pdf %}
                                    <span class="part_requirements_field">
                                        <span class="label">{{ }}:</span>
                                        {{ field.get_value_as_str_pretty_printed }}
                                {% endif %}
                            {% endfor %}
                        <td colspan="4"></td>
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
                <td colspan="4"></td>
                <td colspan="3">
                    <table id="order-totals-summary" class="totals-summary">
                            <td class="totals sub-total" width="50%">
                                {% trans 'Subtotal' %}:
                            <td class="totals sub-total" width="50%">
                                {{ subtotal|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                            <td >
                                {% trans 'Including' %}:
                            <td >
                                *   {% trans 'Post-Processings' %}:
                                {{ post_processings_price|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                            <td >
                                *   {% trans 'Printing' %}:
                                {{ printing_price|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        {% if fee %}
                            <tr class="extra-fee">
                                <td>{% trans 'Extra Fee' %}:</td>
                                    {{ fee|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                            {% for fee_obj in fees %}
                                    <td>* {{fee_obj.fee}}</td>
                            {% endfor %}
                        {% endif %}
                        {% if difference_to_minimum > 0 %}
                            <tr class="difference-to-minimum">
                                <td>{% trans 'Difference to minimum price' %}:</td>
                                    {{ difference_to_minimum|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        {% endif %}
                        {% if voucher_discount > 0 %}
                            <tr class="voucher-discount">
                                <td>{% trans 'Voucher' %}:</td>
                                    {{ voucher_discount|negative|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        {% endif %}
                        {% if shipping_price > 0 %}
                            <tr class="shipping-price">
                                <td>{% trans 'Shipping' %}:</td>
                                    {{ shipping_price|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        {% endif %}
                        <tr class="total-without-tax">
                            <td>{% trans 'Net total' %}:</td>
                                {{ total_prices.excl_tax|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        <tr class="tax">
                            <td>{{ tax_rate|floatformat:2 }}% {% trans 'VAT' %}:</td>
                                {{ tax|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}
                        <tr class="totals grand-total">
                            <td>{% trans 'Gross Total' %}:</td>
                            <td>{{ total_prices.incl_tax|as_currency:order_obj.currency }}</td>
    {% if note_data.comment %}
        <section id="comment">
            <h3>{% trans 'Comment' %}</h3>
            <p class="comment">{{ note_data.comment|linebreaksbr }}</p>
    {% endif %}
    {% if general_sales_conditions %}
        <section id="general-sales-conditions">
            <h3>{% trans 'General Sales Conditions' %}</h3>
                {{ general_sales_conditions|linebreaks }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if general_shipping_conditions %}
        <section id="shipping-conditions">
            <h3>{% trans 'General Shipping Conditions' %}</h3>
                {{ general_shipping_conditions|linebreaks }}
    {% endif %}
<footer class="footer">
    <p>{{ page_footer }}</p>
