Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This documentation covers some

Table of Contents

How to use this documentation

This documentation provides a high level overview of some of the common use cases for the 3YOURMIND RESTful API, which are outlined in the table of contents below. Where relevant, these use cases include links to endpoints as described in the API documentation.

Table of Contents

Create a Quote based on a RequestForQuote while choosing a custom price for the Quote-Lines

Use the Create a Quote based on a RequestForQuote endpoint. Make sure to use the correct service_id in the URL and requestForQuoteId in the request body. Provide an array of lines in the request body, where you will specify a custom unitPrice for each line.

Code Block
import requests

data = {
    "requestForQuoteId": 1,
    "lines": [{"id": 1, "unitPrice": "12.34"}, {"id": 2, "unitPrice": "5.22"}],
url = ""
    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},

Python Example

Upload an Internal Attachment

In this example, we will be uploading a Quote-Attachment, but you can get inspired by this example to upload Attachments for other Sales-Transactions.
Use the Create a Quote-Attachment endpoint. Make sure to use the correct service_id and quote_id in the URL. Attach the file, and add isInternal flag as a query parameter.

Code Block
import requests

files = {
    "file": open("file.txt", "rb"),
params = {
    "isInternal": True,
url = ""
    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},

Python Example

Edit a Quote

In order to edit a quote, you need to:

  1. Create a Basket from the desired Quote using the Create a Basket based on an Quote endpoint

  2. List the Basket-Lines using the List Basket-Lines endpoint

  3. Perform the desired changes to the Basket-Lines using the Update a Basket-Line endpoint

  4. Create a new Quote from the Basket using the Create a Quote based on a Basket (edit mode) endpoint

Code Block
import requests

# 1. Create a Basket from the desired Quote
url = ""

created_basket =
    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},
customer_id = created_basket.json()["customer"]["id"]
basket_id = created_basket.json()["id"]

# 2. List the Basket-Lines
# In this example, the desired line will be chosen using the filename
url = (

lines = requests.get(
    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},
desired_basket_line = next(
        for line in lines.json()
        if line["file"]["originalFileName"] == "Drone_V2_Print_Arm_A_x6.stl"
desired_basket_line_id = desired_basket_line["id"]

# 3. Perform the desired changes to the Basket-Lines
# In this example, the unitPrice will be changed
data = {
    "unitPrintPrice": "46.50",
url = f"{basket_id}/lines/{desired_basket_line_id}/"

    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},

# 4. Create a new Quote from the Basket
data = {
    "basketId": basket_id,
    "userId": customer_id,
url = f""
    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},

Python Example

Below there are some examples, on how to edit some of the attributes of a Basket-Line.

How to change the price of a Basket-Line

Code Block
data = {
    "unitPrintPrice": "46.50",
url = f""

    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},

Python Example

How to change the material of a Basket-Line

List the available Material-Offers using the List Material-Offers endpoint. Get the ID of the desired offer, and then use it in the payload body of the update request. Make sure to set autoSetPrice to True in the payload body, so that the price of the material is calculated.

Code Block
# 1. List the available Material-Offers
# In this example, the desired material will be chosen using it's name
url = f""

material_offers = requests.get(
    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},
desired_material_offer = next(
        for offer in material_offers.json()
        if offer["materialName"] == "Accura Xtreme"
desired_material_offer_id = desired_material_offer["id"]

# 2. Send the update request
data = {
    "offerId": desired_material_offer_id,
    "autoSetPrice": True,
url = f""

    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},

Python Example

How to change the post-processings of a Basket-Line

List the available Post-Processings for a material that is assigned to a given Basket-Line, using the List Post-Processings for a Material-Offer endpoint. Get the ID of the desired Post-Processing, and then use it in the payload body of the update request. Make sure to set autoSetPrice to True in the payload body, so that the price of the Post-Processing is calculated.

Code Block
# 1. List the available Post-Processings
# In this example, the desired Post-Processing will be chosen using it's title
url = f""

post_processings = requests.get(
    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},
desired_post_processing = next(
        for post_processing in post_processings.json()
        if post_processing["title"] == "Polishing"
desired_post_processing_id = desired_post_processing["id"]

# 2. Send the request
data = {
    "postProcessings": [
        {"postProcessingId": desired_post_processing_id, "autoSetPrice": True}
url = f""

response = requests.patch(
    headers={"Authorization": "Token my-super-secure-token"},

Python Example

Upload a File into a Basket

  1. Create a basket

  2. For as many files as you would like to add, follow the steps below:

    1. Create a basket line.

    2. Upload a 3D File into the basket line (Use Option 2).

    3. Use the Get file status endpoint to wait until the file is analysed.

Programmatically upload files and redirect your users to the 3YOURMIND frontend

If your application generates 3D data and you want to use the Order Management System, you may want to upload 3D models and redirect the user to the 3YOURMIND platform.

The workflow for this is:

  • Let your users click on a button like "Order with 3YOURMIND"

  • Upload a file with the Upload 3D File endpoint.

  • Redirect the user to the URL returned in the response (or open a browser with the URL)

Place Orders Programmatically

This is useful when the order is created in another system and should be placed in the 3YOURMIND system for tracking and processing.

You can place entire orders programmatically. There are 2 different workflows for creating orders:

  • Place order with User Panel API

    This is the older legacy API. Use it if you want to offer your customers a UI for creating orders, that is very similar to the 3yourmind User Panel.

  • Place order with Service Panel API

    This is the newer API, it is easier to work with. Use it if you want to interface with the 3yourmind API, from some other backend service, or if you already have your own UI for order creation.

Place order with User Panel API

  1. Do all the steps in Upload a file

  2. For every line: Update the basket line to set an offer and post-processing.

  3. (optional) Create Shipping and billing addresses.

  4. (optional) Check the order total with the Get Basket Price endpoint.

  5. Create order for basket. Depending on your Printing Service, you will have to choose:

Place order with Service Panel API

  1. Choose user for which to create order (from all users of the service). Fetch users - GET

  2. Create empty basket - POST

  3. Assign the previous chosen user to the basket Update basket with user - PATCH

  4. Get addresses of the user, choose address for this order Fetch addresses of user - GET

  5. Choose payment method Fetch available payment methods - GET

  6. Choose shipping method Fetch available shipping methods - GET

  7. Choose material for this line Fetch available materials - GET

  8. Create empty basket line - POST

  9. Update print price and material/offer and post processings for this line - PATCH

  10. Upload file for this line - POST

  11. Wait until file upload has finished, periodically call this endpoint (each 1s): Fetch the file upload status - GET

  12. Submit the final order, that links all previous steps together

See the following code, as an example of all the steps. It is written as JetBrains .http file format, even if you can not execute with your IDE, you can still read the code examples in it.

Code Block

< {%"token", "dd247ae0d9cddcefa32e3ef502c4798b6ae531d8");"service_id", "1");
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

> {%"customer_id", response.body.results[0].id);


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

> {%"basked_id",;

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

    "customer_id": {{customer_id}}


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

> {%"customer_address_id", response.body[2].id);


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

> {%"payment_method_id", response.body[0].id);


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

> {%"shipping_method_id", response.body[0].id);


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

> {%"offer_id", response.body[0].id);


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

> {%"line_id",;

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

  "offer_id": {{offer_id}},
  "postProcessings": [],
  "unitPrintPrice": "12.34"


Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test_areas (copy).stl"
Content-Type: model/x.stl-binary

< ./cube_10_inch.stl

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="basket_id"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="line_id"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="unit"


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token {{token}}

  "additionalInformation": {
    "reference": "some test reference"
  "basketId": {{basked_id}},
  "billingAddressId": {{customer_address_id}},
  "pickupLocationId": null,
  "fees": [],
  "shippingPrice": "12.34",
  "shipping": {
    "methodId": {{shipping_method_id}},
    "addressId": {{customer_address_id}},
    "deliveryInstructions": "string"
  "payment": {
    "methodId": {{payment_method_id}},
    "authorizedAmount": "12.34",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "details": {  }
  "voucherCode": null,
  "userId": {{customer_id}}


Place Orders from a Catalog Item

Instead of uploading 3D files, you can order files from the catalog.

Instead of uploading the 3D Files, you can add items from the Catalog to the basket. The workflow to place an order from the Digial catalog is as follows:

  1. Create a basket line with an catalogItemId in the payload.

  2. (optional) Update the basket line and overide the offer and post-processing.

  3. (optional) Create Shipping and billing addresses.

  4. (optional) Check the order total with the Get Basket Price endpoint.

  5. Create order for basket.

Create / List Customers Programmatically

Either create a customer data set (by creating a user and disabling email sending for that user) or invite a new user to use the platform. All existing customers can also be obtained.

The Organization Users endpoints are for creating and updating User information. In order to use those endpoints, the user with the ApiToken needs to have the "Organization Admin" Role.

Further information about this use case can be found in the linked documentation: Organization Users

Get Prices for 3D Models

You can obtain prices for 3D models using the REST API. For this, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Complete all the steps in Upload a file

  2. Get pricing information by reaching the below endpoints:

    1. Materials using List materials

    2. Services with List offers

    3. Post-processings with Get an offer

Prices are calculated by the 3YOURMIND pricing engine which can be configured / scripted in the service panel.

Analyze and Optimize 3D Models

Upload 3D files to get printability information (wall thickness check, bounding box check, multi-shell check), geometric information (volume, area, dimensions, convex hull, concave hull, etc.) and the optimized 3D file (using our mesh healing algorithms).

After uploading a 3D file our backend optimizes and analyzes it. You can then retrieve its parameter and printability details.

  1. Upload a 3D File, using option one in the linked API specification. You do not need to redirect the user to our frontend.

  2. Wait until the file has been processed by repeatedly requesting Get File Optimization Status.

  3. Use any of the other 3D Files endpoints to get information about:

    1. Printability

    2. 3D model parameter, like volume and surface area

    3. Download links

Transfer Sales Transactions into Another System

A user of your application placed requests, quotes or orders in 3YOURMIND's system and you want to transfer the data information to your ERP, CRM, accounting or similar system. Depending on your data receiving System and your real-time requirements you can use one of the two following options:


CSV Export: Recommended for integrations to systems with CSV interface (polling)



More details for each use case listed below, can be found by clicking on the title of the use case. In some cases, these more detailed descriptions will include examples for how the API request can be formatted for this particular use case. Where relevant, the required endpoints will be listed in the use case description and the link to the endpoint description, as defined in the API documentation, will be included.

If there is a common use case which you think would be valuable to be included as part of this documentation, or if you have any questions about the use cases outlined below, please feel free to reach out to the Technical Support Team with your queries or suggestions.


An API token is required to use the REST API. It can be generated in the admin panel ( In the admin panel, open the list of users and click ‘Create token’ next to the chosen user. Please ensure that this user profile has the necessary permission to complete the actions specified in the API request. More information on User Roles, can be found in the following documentation: Roles & User Rights.


Customers who do not have access to the admin panel need to contact the 3YOURMIND support team to obtain a token.

The API Token can be used as outlined in the API Documentation: Authentication.

Use Cases

Create a Quote based on a RequestForQuote while choosing a custom price for the Quote-Lines

Upload an Internal Attachment

Edit a Quote

Edit the attribute of a Basket-Line

Upload a File into a Basket

Programmatically Upload Files and Redirect your Users to the 3YOURMIND Frontend

Place Orders Programmatically

Place Orders from a Catalog Item

Create / List Customers Programmatically

Get Prices for 3D Models

Analyze and Optimize 3D Models

Transfer Sales Transactions into Another System