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Code Block
//Material variables
let materialCost = 60180;             // euro/kg
let density = 14.0243;                // g/cm^3
let margin = 1;       

           // total price is multiplied with margin

//Machine time variables
let scanningSpeed = 40;              // mm/s
let supportScanningSpeed = 40;       // mm/s
let laserDiameter = 0.1;             // mm
let layerHeight = 0.1;               // mm
let layerPreparationTime = 10;       // sec
let supportInfill = 0.2;             // number in [0,1]
let machineRatehourlyRate = 5035;              // euro/hour

// Material costprice calculation
let materialmaterialVolume = model.volume + support.volume * materialCostsupportInfill;
*let densitymaterial * 0.000001;

// Don't change the following lines= density * materialVolume * materialCost / 1000000;

// Machine runtime cost calculation in hour
let numberOfLayers = model.h/layerHeight;
let machineTime = ((model.volume)/(scanningSpeed*laserDiameter*layerHeight) +
support.volume*supportInfill/(supportScanningSpeed*laserDiameter*layerHeight) +

let machine = machineTimehourlyRate * machineRatemachineTime;
//Totallet price: material= price plus machine runtime+ costmaterial;
price// =Last marginline *must (materialcontain + machine);
final price

MJF Machine Time Formula
