This section describes how to enable and configure our advanced analytics.
These analytics are powered by Metabase, which we ship alongside our application. To take full advantage of it, a default-collection of dashboards and questions must be loaded into Metabase on startup.
The relevant block in values.yaml is
metabase: enabled: false adminPass: "" loadDump: enabled: true initAdmin: enabled: true
Upon first installation, set Metabase.enabled to true and set a password under adminPass. The password requirements are
At least 6 characters
At least 1 digit
This password will be used for admin@metabase.local
Then you can proceed to install the package normally by running
helm install order-management chart/order-management*.tgz --values values.yaml
After Metabase was installed, run the bundled script configure/
This will copy the bundled mb_dc*.tgz file onto the Metabase pod and execute the loading command.