Data inititialization

Data inititialization

The application supports 3 different methods on feeding the database with initial data


1. Initialize the Application with an Empty Organization (Bootstrap)

This process can be used to have a fresh start and an empty platform.

  1. After you install the application following the Installation guide you will find a new file named values.yaml in the installation directory. Open the file with an editor of your choice and append this code to the end of the file:

    initConfig: bootstrap: enabled: true adminUsername: admin adminPassword: SecurePassword123 adminMail: admin@hostname.xxx

2. To apply the changes and bootstrap the application please run sudo ./upgrade.sh
The application is now accessible with the adminMail and adminPassword credentials you specified as values in the above file.

2 Initialize the Application from an Existing Organization

This process can be used to import data from the 3YOURMIND Cloud to an on-premise server.


  1. 3YOURMIND Support team can provide an exported archive from 3YD Cloud solution

  2. Copy the archive to the server and put into the installation folder

  3. Make sure to have other initialisation methods disabled (or not existing since default is false) in your values.yaml:

    initConfig: bootstrap: enabled: false loadSampleData: enabled: false
  4. Wipe your database and recreate an empty database

  5. Restart the application by running upgrade.sh or by killing the button3d pod to trigger the migrations.

  6. Extract the file in the installation directory
    tar zxvf <site_dump>.tar

  7. Make sure the load_site.sh is executable
    sudo chmod +x load_site.sh

  8. To execute please provide the following arguments in cli:

    • a path to the unarchived folder with the site dump

    • the desired domain to be set after the site has been loaded into the application

    ./load_site.sh $HOME/import/<CUSTOMER_SITE> customer.domain.com
    Optionally, it is possible to specify a custom namespace where the application is deployed:
    ./load_site.sh $HOME/import/<CUSTOMER_SITE> customer.domain.com non-default-namespace

3 Initialize the Application with sample data

This process can be used to load the Application with Demo / Sample Data.

1. Go to the installation folder and edit values.yaml file
2. Add the following code:

initConfig: loadSampleData: enabled: true

3. Run sudo ./upgrade.sh script to apply the changes and load sample data.


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