Creating a new Organization

Creating a new Organization

An Organization is created for the setup of a new 3D-printing platform. The configuration of the new or existing platforms is done over the Admin Panel. For the guide, we use an example company that is named 3D-Corp so we will set up everything around this imaginary company.

How to set up a new 3D-printing platform for the company 3D-Corp

Create Site

  • Go to SITES > Site 

  • Add Site (top right)

  • enter domain name using a dedicated subdomain: → 3d-corp.3yourmind.com (all small letters)

  • Enter display name → 3D-Corp (may be the same as the subdomain)

  • save



Create Organization

Basic setup:


For more details on how to configure your organization go to https://3yourmind.atlassian.net/l/cp/z2UNtuv4 .