Creating and Configuring your Organization
- 1 Creating a new Organization
- 2 Configuring your Organization
- 2.1 Basic settings
- 2.2 General
- 2.3 Login and Signup
- 2.4 SSO
- 2.5 User Roles
- 2.6 Permissions
- 2.7 AMPI
- 2.8 Address & User Field Customizations
- 2.9 File Validation
- 2.10 Catalog Settings
- 2.11 General Settings & Features
- 2.12 Terms and Conditions
- 2.13 Announcements
- 2.14 Switches
Creating a new Organization
In order to add a new organization, you need to have a site and then add the organization to it.
Creating a Site
In the admin panel go to SITES > Site
Add Site (top right)
Enter a domain name using a dedicated subdomain: → e.g. (all small letters)
Enter display name → e.g. 3D-Corp (may be the same as the subdomain)
Creating a new Organization
Go to B3_Organization > Organizations
Add Organization (top right)
Choose site
Slug → ID for the organization (e.g. 3D-Corp)
Showname → e.g. 3D-Corp (this is what will be shown on the tab in your browser)
Partners enabled → Add a printing service to your organization
Option 1: A fulfillment partner can be created here (click on the green plus sign)
For more details see Adding new Printing ServicesOption 2: you can add an existing fulfillment partner later
Configuring your Organization
In the Organization section, you can configure basic settings for the installation
To access the Organization:
Open the homepage of the admin panel
Click on Organizations (within B3_Organization)
Click on your Organization
You will see a list with relevant configurations:
Basic settings
Field Name | Description |
Site | The domain where your organization is available. |
Creation Date | The date when the organization was added to the platform (readonly). |
Showname | This is what is shown in the Title of the Browser and in EMails |
Extra script | Custom JS script to be injected in HTML (Google analytics, Chatbots, Other widgets). |
Extra style | Custom CSS styles to be injected in HTML |
Field Name | Description |
Erp enabled | User and Service Panels enabled |
Default panel | This setting determines which panel users land on after login when both AMPI and ERP modules are enabled. If Left Empty:
When ERP is Enabled and Default Panel is Set to ERP:
Default unit | This setting will be used to set the unit for new users on the platform. Auto-detected means that the unit will be set based on the user's location. See also Creating and Configuring your Organization | Configuring Default Unit for New Users |
CSV format for exports |
User can see other users orders |
Show only Net Prices for customers | If you want to only show net prices you can hit a switch here to do so. It will make it required however for your customers to insert company, VAT-ID information into his address. |
Hide Printing Service Selection | If enabled, then the step to select the printing service in the Basket will be skipped. For single supplier platforms, it makes sense to enable this flag to simplify the flow for end users. Furthermore, all references to the selected Service are hidden on the User Panel, e.g.
In case this flag is enabled on platforms with multiple services, then a service is selected automatically based on the cheapest price offered for the selected material. |
Preferred due date visibility | Enabled a customer can set a date when he would like/need the print to be done. Can be set to hidden, required, or optional. |
Choose Pickup Location As Default | When a user goes through checkout, by default their preferred address will be selected when they select shipping options. If this flag is enabled the service’s pickup location will be selected by default instead. If the service has no pickup location configured, behavior will be as before. |
Send order Emails to organization panel admins | Check this box if you want to send an e-mail notification upon every order to organization panel admins. Not advised if the user also has access to the service panel. |
Login and Signup
Field Name | Description |
Force verify user | If you want to be notified about every user registration, and decide if you accept or decline a user, check this box. More information: Note: Currently, the extended registration form must be enabled if Force verify user is enabled. |
Is extended registration enabled Has no effect in the new Login & Signup system v1 | If activated, then new users will be prompted to provide their name and an address during the signup process. Note: This must be enabled if Force verify user is enabled. |
Show terms conditions | Enable or disable whether terms and conditions will be shown during the user registration process. |
Signup Terms and Conditions | The text that will be shown and accepted during the user registration process. |
Is Token Authentification Enabled | Set this flag to true to allow request authentification by token. More Information: API Use Cases | Authentication |
Is Http Auth Enabled | Deprecated. For a robust authentification when using the platform API directly, use Token authentification instead |
Http Auth Username | Deprecated |
Http Auth Password | Deprecated |
This section is only relevant when using SSO Plugins.
Field Name | Description |
Auth Plugins Enabled | Authentication plugin that will be used for your SSO authentication workflow. More Information: |
Disable normal login | When selected, the change password section in the user profile is hidden/deactivated |
Automatic redirect to oauth | When selected, the user will be automatically redirected to the OAUTH login page, when accessing the 3YM login page. In the legacy login system, this only works in conjunction with the “Disable normal login“ setting |
User Roles
Field Name | Description |
Key managers | Support contact that will be displayed in the dashboard in the user panel. Multiple can be defined. Click on a green plus in the Key Managers section ( Existing contacts can be edited in You can change the order in which Key managers are displayed in the Help section by changing the Sort priority number. Lower number gets shown first. |
Organization panel admins | Add users who should have access to the Organization Panel. |
Catalog admins | Add users who should be able to manage the Digital Inventory. |
Ampi default access group | This AMPI role will be assigned to all users that are invited to or sign up to this organization. Can also be left empty if no role should be assigned. |
User Panel default access group | This User Panel role will be assigned to all users that are invited to or sign up to this organization. Can also be left empty if no role should be assigned. |
Field Name | Description |
New users are trusted automatically | If enabled, new users are automatically set to “Trusted”. This has an impact on the payment methods available to a user in the checkout. For more information see Configuring Payment Methods | Customizing Payment Options for Different Customer Segments . |
Enable users to download optimized 3D files | Give your users the possibility to download optimized 3D files. |
Enable/Disable: | |
User can see other users orders | If enabled, everyone can see everyone else’s orders in the User Panel. |
Field Name | Description |
Ampi enabled | If you want to use AMPI |
Ampi reports enabled | If you want to have AMPI reports enabled |
Ampi analytics enabled | If you want to have AMPI analytics enabled |
Ampi currency | Decide on the currency of AMPI |
Default Technical Drawing Units | The unit that should be inferred for technical drawings if it could not be detected automatically |
Ampi csv export only used properties | By default, AMPI export will include all properties that are supported by the platform. If this flag is set, only properties that are used in AMPI’s forms will be exported |
Ampi users can see reports | With this flag you can control if reports can only be seen by only exports or by every AMPI user. |
Ampi Technology Selection Mode |
Address & User Field Customizations
Mainly address fields can be configured here. You can rename those fields or decide about the behavior of the field:
Field Name | Description |
Company information visibility | This setting configures, how the company related fields behave on all address inputs (registration and checkout) Hidden: Company, VAT Number and Department are hidden. |
Company label | Custom label displayed for the company field across the application and in generated PDF documents. |
Vat id visibility | Controls how VAT ID is shown across all address forms. |
Vat id label | How should the VAT-Number field be called? |
Customer number visibility | This setting configures, how the customer number field behaves in the extended registration. |
Customer number label | How should the Customer Number field be called? |
Reference number visibility | This setting configures, how the reference number input behaves in the checkout. |
Reference number label | How should the Reference Number field be called? |
Enable/Disable: |
File Validation
You can configure a file validation message, which will pop up, every time a user uploads a part. For this, please contact If you want to do it yourself you can find a guide here.
Catalog Settings
Field Name | Description |
Catalog enabled | Enables the Catalog in the user- as well as the service-panel. |
Make Catalog parts not changeable | Enable this flag to ensure that Catalog parts can only be ordered as configured in the Catalog. The entire part configuration in the Basket will be disabled. Disable this flag to allow users in the User Panel to change material, post-processing and part requirements of Catalog parts in the Basket. |
Disallow 3D File Download for Catalog Parts in the User Panel | Enable this flag to remove all download options of 3d files from Catalog parts in the User Panel. In particular, this removes the possibility to download files in the 3d viewer and on the request, quote and order detail views. Note: |
Disable 3D Viewer access for Catalog Parts in the User Panel | Enable this setting to disable the 3D viewer for Catalog parts in the User Panel. This ensures that there is no possibility of getting access to a Catalog part’s 3d file through the viewer. In any case, the 3d Viewer remains enabled for non-Catalog parts and on the Service Panel. Note: This setting can only be enabled if “Disallow 3D File Download for Catalog Parts in the User Panel” is enabled as well. |
General Settings & Features
Field Name | Description |
Enable redirect / Redirect target site Removed in 24.12.1 | Send visitors to another organization instead of using this one. This can be used to redirect Users between (QA / Prod) Servers. |
Default unit | This setting will be used to set the unit for new users on the platform. Auto-detected means that the unit will be set based on the user's location. See also Creating and Configuring your Organization | Configuring Default Unit for New Users |
Hide Printing Service Selection | If enabled, then the step to select the printing service in the Basket will be skipped. For single supplier platforms, it makes sense to enable this flag to simplify the flow for end users. Furthermore, all references to the selected Service are hidden on the User Panel, e.g.
In case this flag is enabled on platforms with multiple services, then a service is selected automatically based on the cheapest price offered for the selected material. |
Default panel | This setting determines which panel users land on after login when both AMPI and ERP modules are enabled. If Left Empty:
When ERP is Enabled and Default Panel is set to ERP:
Ampi enabled | If you want to use AMPI |
Ampi reports enabled | If you want to have AMPI reports enabled |
Ampi analytics enabled | If you want to have AMPI analytics enabled |
Ampi currency | Decide on the currency of AMPI |
New users are trusted automatically | If enabled, new users are automatically set to “Trusted”. This has an impact on the payment methods available to a user in the checkout. For more information see Configuring Payment Methods | Customizing Payment Options for Different Customer Segments . |
Erp enabled | User and Service Panels enabled
Erp analytics enabled | Only on dedicated cloud or on-prem Enables the “Advanced Analytics” section on the Organization Panel and gives access to the dashboards that are part of the Professional package. |
Professional plus analytics enabled | Only on dedicated cloud or on-prem If “Erp analytics enabled” is already enabled then this option provides access to the Professional+ content of Analytics. |
Full access analytics enabled | Only on dedicated cloud or on-prem If “Professional plus analytics enabled” is already enabled then this option provides access to the Enterprise content of Analytics. |
Show only Net Prices for customers | If you want to only show net prices you can hit a switch here to do so. It will make it required however for your customers to insert company, VAT-ID information into his address. |
Enable users to download optimized 3D files | Give your users the possibility to download optimized 3D files. |
User can see other users orders | If enabled, everyone can see everyone else’s orders in the User Panel. |
Preferred due date visibility | Enabled a customer can set a date when he would like/need the print to be done. Can be set to hidden, required, or optional. |
CSV format for exports |
User can see other users orders |
Configuring Default Unit for New Users
When new users join or are invited to the platform, their profile default unit is set to either Millimeters (MM) or Inches depending on several factors. This is essential since the user profile unit influences the unit in which 3D files are uploaded. For example, if your organization primarily works with MM files, it would be inconvenient if users located in the U.S. have their profile set to Inches by default, leading to potential discrepancies in file uploading.
Here are the settings that affect the default unit assigned to new users:
Helm Chart Configurations
Two primary configurations in the Helm chart influence the default unit:
Automatic IP Detection: If enabled, the user's country (which influences the default unit) is determined based on their IP address. For on-premise deployments, this is usually disabled.
Default Country: This serves as a fallback option if Automatic IP detection is disabled or if IP detection fails.
Admin Panel Configuration
The "Default unit" field in the admin panel also affects the default unit for new users.
The following table provides an overview of how different combinations of these factors result in the unit set in the profile of new users.
Automatic IP detection | ON | OFF | |||||
Default country | Germany (example) | United States (example) | |||||
Detected country based on IP | Germany (example) | United States (example) | not relevant | not relevant | no IP detection | no IP detection | no IP detection |
Default unit | Auto-detect | mm | Inch | Auto-detect | mm | Inch | |
Resulting user profile unit for new users | MM | Inch | MM | Inch | Inch | MM | Inch |
Please note that users can still manually change the unit in their profile. Existing users' unit setting remains unchanged by changes in the configuration.
Terms and Conditions
Field Name | Description |
Show terms conditions | Enable or disable whether terms and conditions will be shown during the user registration process. |
Signup Terms and Conditions | The text that will be shown and accepted during the user registration process. |
You can create a platform announcement here that will be shown to every user upon login.
For more details, see
In this section, experimental platform features can be enabled or disabled.