General AM Assessment


Data completeness bar

Data completeness bar shows the percentage of completed

data to assess a part.

  • Data completeness bar takes into account econ and tech properties.

  • Only the properties that are affecting scores are taking into account

In the Admin panel > scores > Econ >, you can fill Required properties that are affecting econ score. Same logic applied for tech score.

Choice of pre-configured Reports


In the AM Part Identifier module, a range of reports is available on both part detail as well as inventory levels. Different report views can be selected through a dropdown menu.

General Econ and Tech Score Assessment

The general suitability of a part with regards to Additive Manufacturing is expressed through an Econ and Tech score.

  • Econ score - indicates how much economic sense it makes to print a part

  • Tech score - indicates feasibility from a technological point of view to print a part

Both Econ and Tech scores are calculated within a range of 0 to 100 with 0 indicating very poor suitability and 100 indicating optimal suitability.

In AMPI the Tech and Econ scores are calculated both on an inventory level as well as on an individual part’s level.

Inventory level

In the Admin panel > organizations > General Settings & Features, you can enable AMPI reports and/or AMPI Analytics

AMPI Reports page

The Econ and Tech score evaluation on the inventory level provides an overview of the AM suitability of all parts loaded into AMPI at a single glance. The overview is accessible through Reports in the navigation bar.

The Tech and Econ Chart

With the Econ and Tech chart, experts can quickly understand what parts have the highest likelihood of being good AM use cases. These are parts with high values for both Econ and Tech scores.

For an expert, it makes sense to concentrate their time and effort first on the high-potential cases plotted in the upper right corner as those parts have the highest probability of proving to be good use cases after closer investigation.

Hovering over a dot reveals the part name and the detailed Econ and Tech score for that part. With a click on the dot, the respective part detail page opens.

Larger dots indicate that there are two or more parts with the same or similar scores at this location in the chart. Clicking such a dot opens a dialog that displays all parts and gives the ability to select the desired part to see it in the part detail view.

The Histogram

The Histogram chart provides a quick overview of the distribution of scores across predefined score ranges.

Clicking on one of the bars of the histogram shows a list of all parts whose scores fall into a given range. An individual part can then be selected and its part details open

By clicking on the legend icons on top of the histogram the respective score results can be hidden or shown.

Histogram charts are usually not displayed on the part detail view as it makes little sense to show a distribution of a single part.

AMPI Analytics page

This page can show graphs as built in our linked Business Intelligence Tool

After enabling the analytics page, go to B3_ampi > analytics graphs. There you can add the graph you wish to show in the analytics page.

Technology Report

With the Technology Report, we provide an overview across all parts and their suitability to print in a given technology.

  • most likely suitable for a given technology

  • most likely not suitable for a given technology

  • not enough information for assessment