Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Starting with version 4.12 it is possible to You can automate the part selection for job creation by importing a Magics CSV report. The magics CSV import functionality is released with version 4.12 and This functionality needs to be activated in the admin panel under Organization → Switches.


Image Removed

The A Magics CSV file can be imported during job creation to automatically match parts and their individual quantities with the build generated in magicsMagics. This allows for major time savings during job creation while at the same time minimizing human error and ensuring correct data.


In order for the matching logic to work, the following prerequisites need to process significantly saves time, minimizes human error, and ensures data accuracy.



The Magics CSV Import functionality needs to be activated in the Admin Panel under Organization → Switches.

Prerequisites for Successful Part Matching using Magics CSV Import

To ensure successful part matching using Magics CSV import, specific prerequisites must be met in the 3YOURMIND MES: Info

  • MES activated

  • Order updated to any status of the “in progress” category - relevant parts are existing in MES

  • Workflows and workstations configured

  • Workflows assigned to parts

  • Part_ID set as , and certain requirements must be adhered to when working with Magics CSV. This section outlines these prerequisites and requirements.

    Prerequisites in 3YOURMIND

    • MES Activation: Ensure MES is activated.

    • Order Status: The order must be updated to any "in progress" status, ensuring relevant parts exist in MES.

    • Configuration: Workflows and workstations must be configured and workflows must be assigned to parts

    • File Naming: The MES Part ID (“Part #”) must be the first variable in the file naming format


    • , followed by a dash “-” in the configured format



    • must be written in a separate line (


    • setting in Materialise Magics for Build Reports


    • ).

    • Overquantity Production: If producing a higher quantity than ordered, the sequence group for which you want to produce an excess quantity must be in the first workflow step. See

    Prerequisites for the Magics CSV

    • File Naming:


    • 3D files


    • must be imported to Magics with the


    • MES Part ID (“Part #”) at the beginning of the file name.

    • Export Report: A Magics report needs to be exported and saved as a .CSV file.

    • UTF-8 Format: The CSV file needs to be exported in UTF-8 format.

    • Parts in First Column: The names of the 3D files


    • must be written in the first column of the CSV.

    • Separate Lines for Copies: Each copy of a part in the build


    • must be written to the CSV


    • in a separate line (e.g., a part with a quantity of 5 needs


    • 5 individual lines in the CSV)


    The CSV file needs to be exported in UTF-8 format


    • .


    • empty lines are in the CSV

    • unknown parts are in the CSV

    • part quantity in the CSV is higher than in the MES

      • Job is created with available quantity in 3YD MES

    Example CSV File

    An example CSV containing only the needed information is shown below. The following file represents a build containing part #437 with a total quantity of 5 (the number of lines are counted) and #438 with a total quantity of 3.

    Code Block

    The important part of the part file name is the Part ID at the beginning of the string. The remaining name is not considered when matching csv content and parts in the MES.

    File Validation During the Import

    As an MES operator, it's crucial to understand issues with the CSV file during job creation to proceed efficiently. Furthermore, it is paramount that the created job contains exactly the parts and quantities as expected from the CSV file.

    This section provides guidance on handling failures during the Magics CSV import process, explaining potential issues and offering solutions.

    When Magics CSV Import Fails

    Upon clicking the "Import Magics CSV" button on the Create Job page, if any part in the CSV cannot be imported, an interface will display the following information:

    • Which parts are failing the import.

    • Reasons for the failure.


    Partial Success: If some parts are imported successfully, users will have the option to either continue or cancel the operation. Choosing "Cancel" will remove all imported parts, while "Continue" will allow the user to proceed with the job creation using the successfully imported parts.

    Reasons for (Partial) Import Failure


    Potential Reasons


    Part Not Found

    The Part ID from the CSV file could not be matched with any part in the MES.

    Check whether indicated Part ID is correct.

    Quantity Issue

    The specified quantity cannot be imported (e.g., overquantity cannot be applied)

    Check whether the indicated part has a sequence in the first workflow step.

    Parsing Error

    • Not a valid CSV file

    • First column not formatted as expected

    • Encoding errors

    Check all the prerequisites listed under “Prerequisites for the Magics CSV” above.

    Empty File

    The CSV file is empty

    Check that your CSV file exported correctly.