Score Calculation:
Both Potential and Feasibility scores are derived from respective evaluation functions, providing values between 0 and 1.
Averages are calculated, with missing scores treated as 0 in this specific context, ensuring a fair total even if one score is unavailable.
Result Classification:
Scores are classified into status icons based on thresholds:
Highest: Both scores are 66% or higher.
High: One score is 66% or above, and the other is mid-range (33%-66%) or missing.
Medium: Both scores fall in the mid-range (33%-66%), or one score is mid-range while the other is missing.
Low: One score is below 33% and the other is mid-range or missing.
Lowest: Both scores fall below 33%.
The classification captures the overall feasibility and potential, even if only partial information is available, guiding decision-making through intuitive status icons.
Final Output
The results are found in the KPI cards found below.