HTTPS / Certificates
SMTP Server
Transfer of existing cloud application data (Organization Styling, Printing Services, and Materials) not including User and Order data.
(Optional) AWS S3 Object Storage for 3D-Files
Machine Connectivity Requirements (optional)
If the software should be connected to production machines, an additional Windows instance is required install our “Aggregator“:
Based on your company size and requirements to availability, you can run the Aggregator on server hardware, mini-computers or desktop computers. The Aggregator does not have a GUI.
Compatible operating systems:
Windows Server 2012 or higher
Windows 7 home edition or higher
Minimum hardware requirements:
512 MHz 64-bit dual core CPU
256 MB RAM
50 MB disk space
Network card
Please also read Multi-Facility Installation to understand the Network Setup.
Personal Requirements
In order to maintain a stable 3YOURMIND Application on the server, the following tasks need to be performed: