Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


We extended our printability analysis in the 3D Viewer to incorporate wall thickness analysis as well as a build chamber check. These additional printability assessments are available after selecting a parts AM material during the qualification process.


Areas consisting of The 3D viewer highlights areas with thin walls which that might break during the printing process are highlighted in the 3D viewer print process. This feature acts as guidance for potential areas of redesign.


Geometric part properties dependent on technical drawings or 3D files are now handled separately from user-filled properties. These properties will solely be filled from Technical technical drawings or 3D files and can not be added to forms for manual input anymore.

This change includes:

  • Part volume

  • Bounding Box Volumebox volume

  • Surface Areaarea

FurtherFurthermore, we introduced unit handling. All geometry-dependent properties are now converted to inch/mm based on the user user’s preference.

Filter Part List by Creation


and Last Modification Date

The AMPI part list can now be filtered by a parts part's creation and last modification date. Default date ranges were added as shortcuts, including options to filter for : Last the last 90 Daysdays, This Year, Last Yearthis year, and last year.


Digital Inventory Management


We're introducing internal comments for ERP service users. You can now post confidential comments on sales transactions, visible only to colleagues within the Service Panelservice panel.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Team members can align privately on transactions.

  • Simple Toggle: Use the lock button to switch between internal and public comments.

  • Privacy Assurance: Internal comments are exclusively for ERP viewers, managers, and configurators.

  • Efficient Communication: Internal comments trigger email notifications for Service Panel service panel users.


Other Improvements

Property Tooltips on AMPI Part Detail

Property tooltips are now available on via hover when viewing the Original Part Information original part information tab on AMPI part detail.

Disabling the Addition of Sales Transactions in the Admin Panel

We have completely removed the ability of adding to add sales transactions and individual line items.


We’ve enhanced the visibility of Sales Transaction sales transaction IDs on both User and Service Panels, with user and service panels by displaying the ID now displayed in the action bar. This plain text display allows for convenient copy&paste copying and pasting of the idID. The project name remains editable as an inline edit in its original place.
