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Detecting started jobs

When a job is already created manually in the MES and is scheduled, i.e. the job has a start and end time, then the MES can automatically detect through Machine Connectivity if that job is started on the connected machine.



A scheduled job is matched with a detected job if

  • the detected job started within the start and end time of the scheduled job

  • or if the detected job started max 2h before the start time of the scheduled job


  • the scheduled


  • job


Creating jobs automatically

When a job is detected via Machine Connectivity that cannot be matched with any scheduled job, or if no scheduled jobs existjob exists, then a new job will automatically be created automatically in the MES with the data provided by the machine.

Automatic update of job times

When a job is detected via Machine Connectivity, the following times are set and updated automatically in the MES

  • Start time
    When an existing MES job is matched with a detected job, then the start time of the job in the MES is set to the actual start time.

  • End time
    When a connected machine sends the job finished signal, then the end time of the job in the MES is set accordingly.

  • Estimated duration
    Value is adjusted throughout the printing time when the printer sends updated duration estimates.